Saturday, September 30, 2023

An orgy of self-flagellation

Vincent J. Curtis

30 Sept 23

RE: City rolls out training for all city managers on Indigenous history

Saturday’s Spectator reported on the orgy of self-flagellation that official Canada is supposed to endure in order for “reconciliation” to be achieved with the Indigenous.  That reconciliation is a two-way street occurs to no one running the show.  It’s demoralizing in the extreme for intelligent, highly-educated, and experienced people to have to sit through a lecture full of contentious nonsense on pain of losing their jobs, when at no point will reconciliation actually occur as the reword for the pain.  Why would an indigenous agree to reconciliation when he can have such fun tormenting the white guy?

Hamilton city officials are to receive training in “cultural competence.”  People who are competent enough to deal with any other culture in the world are assumed to be incompetent when dealing with those of indigenous culture, who are said to number 15,000 out of a city population of over half a million; and never mind the fact that the Crown has ruled in Hamilton for over 230 years.  Yes, this is textbook special pleading.

All this nonsense is due to the prevalence of a totalitarian ideology among non-indigenous, that being post-modernism.  This philosophy doesn’t believe in the existence of objective truth; but rather of power, of structures of dominance, of who has power over whom. The belief has taken hold that evil Western society deserves, because of its prior success, to be dominated in its turn, and being lectured by an indigenous about “real” history is precisely the kind of tables turning that non-indigenous Canada has coming, in spades.

The irony is that every single documentable fact uttered by the indigenous lecturer comes from Western historians, Western documentation, and Western anthropologists.  The Neolithic culture of the indigenous is held up as the equal of Western civilization, and inconvenient historical facts will be glossed over, or ignored.

Historical facts like that the Mississaugas alleged “traditional territory” didn’t come into their possession until 1650, the Mohawks having massacred the Hurons in 1648 and then withdrew to their traditional territory in present day New York State.  Hence, when the British Crown purchased the Land between the Lakes in 1792, 231 years ago, the Mississaugas had only possessed it for 142 years.  They miss the fact that the Six Nation reserve, being the last remnant of the Haldimand Tract was purchased from the Mississaugas for the benefit of the New York Mohawks, meaning that Mohawks aren’t,  strictly speaking, indigenous to Ontario, or Canada.  They ignore that all the treaties and land purchases made by the Crown over the years was an agreement binding on both sides.  You can’t claim land that your people corporately gave up two centuries ago.

Reconciliation is a big joke progressives are playing on good natured people who are being taken advantage of on account of their believe in law & order, in keeping good faith, their good manners, and politeness.

Meanwhile, European history has been made so controversial because of this belief that history is nothing but the speaking of power structures of dominance that it can no longer be taught in Canadian schools.  Instead of history, we get “social studies.”  Where history is of facts, social studies are of someone’s opinion concerning historical facts.

Hamilton city staff are going to be taught history from the aboriginal perspective, which relies on knowledge gained from Westerners, but Westerners are forbidden, on pain of non-reconciliation, from countering with history lessons of their own.  They dare not rasie the question of good faith on the part of aboriginals. All of this is playing upon weaknesses in Western thought, and especially upon a British sense of decency and law.

I cannot imagine a Russian or a Chinese government putting up with such nonsense.


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