Friday, March 17, 2023

Misdirecting investment into EVs

Vincent J. Curtis

17 Mar 23.

RE: Ready to leap into an electric vehicle?  Op-ed by opinion writer Susan Koswan.  The Hamilton Spectator 17 Mar 23.

Susan Koswan could have saved herself a lot of bother with a few simple considerations.  The first consideration is that Canada contributes only 1.5 percent of world CO2 emissions, and no heroic effort by Canada will save the world from CO2.  If the United States spent $50 Trillion to become “net-zero” by 2050, that also would be unavailing because of what is happening in India and China, never mind what will come in Latin America and Africa.

The second consideration is: where is Canada going to get the electrical energy to replace the chemical energy stored in 40.2 billion litres of gasoline?  The only source is to be found in massive, new construction of nuclear power generation.  You can’t san “wind and solar” because behind every windmill and solar panel is a natural gas turbine ready to power up when the wind isn’t blowing and the sun isn’t shining.

Koswan’s plan to revolutionize the transportation sector is all downside: massive new taxes to provide subsides and massive increases in central government power; the enrichment of China at our expense; more inflation and vast impoverishment through the misdirection of Canadian economic resources.

The bright side is that the climate cultists have it all wrong, and by setting impossible goals it will make us recoil even from the attempt at meeting them..



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