Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Climate panic

Vincent J. Curtis

21 Mar 23

RE: World on ‘thin ice’ as UN climate report offers up stark warning.  AP story by Seth Borenstein and Frank Jordans.  The Hamilton Spectator 21 mar 23.

The climate-change industry must be in a panic as their claims of impending calamity are rapidly becoming ever more shrill.  The themes that ‘the end is nigh!’ and ‘we don’t have time to discuss it!’ has been the staple of climate rhetoric since 1989. (Another is, ‘how dare you question me!’)

After the collapse of the Soviet Union, what’s a good anti-capitalist to do except find fault with the triumphant West?  The aim was to destroy the basis of the West’s economic prosperity, namely its energy systems; and having made nuclear power and new hydro dam construction politically untenable, carbon became the target. (Kyoto, 1995, passem)

The anti-capitalists had friends in the United Nations and the WEF, as One World Government was their aim; hence the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, because agreements between governments tended to defeat changes in national policy occasioned by democratic elections and conservative governments.  The bureaucrats and the experts were all behind the international commitments made by the previous government, and so resisted policy changes of the new, democratically elected national government.

The farmers’ revolt in The Netherlands has the World Government faction in a panic, because if The Netherlands drops their fertilizer ban despite EU and UN pressure, then their strategy may collapse.

UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres is utterly unqualified to pronounce on “climate change,” and ought to be embarrassed to speak so incautiously the words he’s asked to parrot.  The science and the data aren’t there, and India and China aren’t paying attention anyway.

Stop worrying, it’s all a scam.


The Hockey Stick graph, which made global warming palpable for many people, and famous; was exposed as a scam by two Canadians, Steve McIntyre and Ross McKitrick.  The Hockey Stick paper by Michael Mann was shown to be so rife with error that it ought to have been withdrawn, but that would have forced Mann to lose his Ph.D. and his teaching job at UPenn, since both were based on that paper.  Lots of embarrassment all round, and might have caused the global warming scam to collapse, so it wasn’t allowed to happen - too many other people had interests in maintaining it.  Nevertheless, nobody takes the Hockey Stick grap seriously anymore, and Global Warming was changed to Climate Change.

I’ve posted on my Twitter feed a six minute video of Michael Crichton exposing the Hocey Stick graph put together by Tony Heller of RealClimateScience.com.  Mark Steyn, who is being sued by Michael Mann, has plenty of material undermining Mann’s work, and the entire climate scam altogether.

My first published piece on climate was in 1996 on the Kyoto Treaty, pointing out that environmentalists, by banning fossil fuels, had necessitated the re-introduction of nuclear power, and missed the fact that global warming on earth had to be due to a greater energy output of the sun.  This was long before I’d heard of Willie Soon; it’s obvious on thermodynamic grounds.

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