Monday, February 13, 2023

Islam over Canada

Conflicts of Interest

Vincent J. Curtis

13 Feb 23

RE: Blanchet is the one who should resign.  Op-ed by Mohamed Lachemi, President of the former Ryerson University. The Hamilton Spectator 13 Feb 23.

The question is: why is the Spectator running inflammatory opinion pieces from people with blatant conflicts of interest?  Author Mohamed Lachemi is a big-time Muslim, the president of a university that dare not speak its name because of past association with residential schools.  He’s calling on Bloc Quebecois leader Yves-Francois Blanchet to resign because Blanchet is “unworthy of his position.”

Lachemis is defending Amira Elghawaby, a bigoted Muslim fanatic who was appointed by Justin Trudeau allegedly to call attention to Islamophobia in Canada, but really to appeal to Ontario’s Muslim community in time for the next election.  Elghawaby’ brief is to complain about Quebec’s Bill 21, which imposes the policy of laicité upon anyone representing the Quebec state.  In practice this means no religious symbols, no niqabs, no burkas, and no hijabs can be worn; and no crucifixes either, but never mind.

Being called upon prejudicial tweets she made, Elbhawaby said she was sorry for the offense some took at her offensive remarks, which she didn’t retract or repudiate.  Naturally, Blanchet was unimpressed, and called for this compromised fanatic’s position to be scrapped.

To her rescue comes Lachemi, who calls upon Blanchet to resign – for insensitivity and Islamophobia.  Blanchet is “haranguing a woman of colour,”  “Blanchet’s comments came just days after the sixth anniversary of the mosque shooting in Quebec city, which took the lives of six people, “ and “stoking Islamophobia by word and deed can have deadly results.”  But when Islamic sects bomb each other’s mosques in Pakistan and kill scores, that passes without comment; Blanchet is insensitive!  Beating up on a woman – of colour!  It’s offensive to Islam!  (oops!) Er, it’s so unchivalrous and unchristian and ungentlemanly!

Justin Trudeau is playing his divide-and-conquer strategy again in the run up to the next election, and the appointment of a highly compromised fanatic as Islamophobia czar is a part of it, and part that strains national unity since it alienates French Quebec.

We don’t need more strains on national unity. Piling on criticisms of French nationalists from more compromised Muslims, engaging in blatant conflicts of interest, makes it tougher on Canada.

I guarantee you, Islam have no interest in the national unity of Canada.


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