Monday, July 20, 2020

Marxists are organizing these homeless encampments

Vincent J. Curtis

20 July 20

It only takes a little research to figure this out.

Missing from the stories covering homeless encampments, in Hamilton, in Toronto, is the fact that they are organized.  They are supported.  These encampments would not exist without the work of Marxist-Anarchist-Nihilist activists.

Look at any encampment and you notice that there are no tarps or cardboard  hobo shelters.  The shelters are all modern tents.  The homeless need food, water, a place to bathe, a place to relieve themselves.  Many of these needs are met with the financial support of organizations and the physical labor of activists.

The three week encampment at Nathan Phillips Square in Toronto was so well supported financially that nearly all the campers actually spent the night in the Sheraton Hotel across the street, at $275.00 a night.

Yes, there are genuine homeless and mentally challenged in these camps.  These people are being used by the activists to create chaos and lawlessness in our cities.  Our society is under assault by M-A-N organizations and activists for the thrill of it, for the satisfaction of disrupting those in power, and perhaps to cause them to exercise power to the satisfaction of the M-A-N groups.

Mayors and city councillors need to get smart.  They need to enlist the intelligence gathering powers of the police to identify the activists and bring the law to bear on them.  Identifying the activists and their sources of funding isn’t hard.

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