Sunday, April 7, 2019

Teachers Protest Changes to Education in Ontario

Vincent J. Curtis

7 Apr 2019

If there was any doubt that the teachers were behind the student protests on Thursday, it was ended by the teachers’ own protest on Saturday.  Several thousand Ontario teachers, some from as far away as Sudbury descended on Queen’s Park to protest changes to the education system proposed by the cost-cutting Ford government.

The Ford government was not planning on firing anybody.  They were looking to reduce positions through attrition, to eliminate or reduce the size of some costly programs, and they intended to increase class size.

It really doesn’t matter what the teachers say they were protesting, because with the left it is always the same.  The issue is never the issue, the issue is power; and the teachers resent the exercise of power by the Ford government.  They claim a veto over the Ford government’s changes based upon their superior knowledge and virtue.

The Ford government was elected less than a year ago on a program of change and reform.  The fiscal inanity of the Liberal government, particularly in the years of the Wynne government, meant that economizing and cost-cutting would be important features of the Ford administration.

When the left loses at the ballot-box it turns to neo-Marxist, Alinskyite, nihilistic anarchism as a means of thwarting the democratic choice.  We see it in the #resistance movement against Donald Trump, and you knew it was coming when Ford was labelled as Ontario’s Trump wannabe.  The left claims a veto on the choice of the electorate on the grounds of their moral superiority.

It takes a certain courage to stand up against the Alinskyite tactics of the left, particularly when the media are closet cheerleaders, and refuse to report the causes as to why things happened the way they did.  If they quote an Alinskyite lie at all, they take it at face value.

For the good of the province and to conserve political capital,, the Ford government will likely ignore as harmless the implied violence against mature discussion by the teacher's demonstration.  A Donald Trump would not.

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