Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Quebec banning religious symbols

Vincent J. Curtis

1 Apr 2018

The Quebec government is advancing legislation intended to ban religious symbols in the workplace.  There are many who claim that the banning the hijab, which is the intended target, is racist, Islamophobic, and unnecessary.  The hijab is nothing more than a piece of cloth signifying religious piety, they say.

In truth, the move by Quebec is to ban the symbols of a fascist ideology from the workplace.  It is particularly obnoxious that the descendants of Charles Martel should have to listen to the daughters of Islam speak to them from positions of authority.

If the symbols at issue were swastikas worn on a chain around the neck, the critics would be all-in on the ban.

The proposed ban is receiving wide-spread popular – that is to say, democratic – support in Quebec.  A similar bill was proposed by the previous Liberal government.  And Quebec is following the lead of France in the banning of these symbols in the workplace.  Quebec's distinct society was recognized by Canada's federal government under Stephen Harper, and the legislation is simply an exercise of that distinctness.  Quebec is not ashamed of what it is, and intends to remain what it is.

Having left one hell to emigrate to Canada, and landing in another hell in Quebec, perhaps those affected can move again to a more congenial place, like the west end of Hamilton.

P.S. Some critics of the Quebec move to ban the hijab in the workplace claim it is a sign of the belief in a conspiracy that Islam plans to conquer the west by immigration and reproduction.  The conquest by Isalm of European civilization is not some bizarre conspiracy theory but was publically endorsed, in one of his saner moments, by the deceased leader of Libya, Muammar Gaddafi.

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