Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Canadians Standing Against Trump

Vincent J. Curtis

8 Feb 2017

A collection of recent short pieces in which I attack those Canadians who are attacking Trump.

Jan 18

RE:  Locals Join Busloads heading to Washington

A bunch of local progressives got puff-ball front page coverage from my home town newspaper for travelling to Washington, D.C. to protest the election of Donald Trump.  Like it was any of their business:

No doubt about it.  Progressives can be real assholes.  Sanctimonious assholes.

Jan 26

RE:  Standing Against Trump

Another worshipful piece by my home town newspaper on people who demonstrate against Trump.  Oddly enough, this one actually got published.

Of course there are a lot of self-satisfied and sanctimonious people standing against Trump.  They are watching everything they believed in being invalidated before their very eyes - by success.  Noteworthy is the contrast between the way Trump is being treated and the acceptance and the bootlicking that took place under Obama.

1 Feb

RE: Canadian Values and Taking on America’s Bully

My home town newspaper thinks it a good thing for Canada to get on the bad side of Donald Trump.  In this case, in justification for its madcap recommendation, it quoted “Canadian values,” a subject it denied knowing anything about in an editorial of 9 Sept 2016.

The Spectator editorial page needs to get its act together in respect of “Canadian Values.”

When Conservative party leadership candidate, the eminently qualified Dr. Kellie Leith, speaks of “Canadian values” the Spectator Editorial page pretends it knows of no such thing, and wouldn’t know where to look for the list.  (There is a Wikipedia entry on that subject in case the crack research team hasn’t found anything yet.)  To speak of “Canadian Values” is to make dark hints of racism and intolerance when coming from the lips of a conservative, according to previous editorials.

However, when Donald Trump puts a temporary halt on Obama’s refugee policy pending a top to bottom review, the Spectator editorial page waxes on, “We urge the PM to continue speaking up in defense of Canadian values, such as tolerance, diversity, and compassion for those in need.”

So, the editorial page can find Canadian values whenever it needs them to bolster some argument or other that it wishes to make.

For the record, Trump is president of the United States, and as such is responsible for the welfare of Americans.  The purpose of the temporary halt is to ensure that the safety of Americans is not compromised by an incontinent amount of compassion.  America is a target for terrorism as Canada is not.  Canadians can stand on their soapboxes and bray about our superiority and the wickedness of the United States because international terrorists haven’t targeted Canada yet.

In the meantime, the Spectator editorial page has found a list of Canadian values, and perhaps it might reflect a little on the matter of tolerance, compassion, and diversity in respect of America.

1 Feb

Help With Research

In case memories are short at the Spectator Editorial, you can find your denial of any list of Canadian values that you recognize in the Sept 9, 2016 edition, headlined “Dogwhistle Politics and the Conservatives.”

2 Feb

RE:  Counter Trump

Thomas Walkom is a columnist for the Toronto Star, and the local paper occasionally runs his pieces.  He thinks Canada should do things to “counter” and antagonize the U.S. president.

In his column today, Thomas Walkom runs through a list of things that Canada could do to express its displease with President Trump and to counter the evil effects of his recent policy decisions.

The question Walkom fails to address is the one that comes right at the start, namely “why?”  Why does Canada need to express its displeasure with the decisions the President Trump makes in respect of the United States that has no effect on us?  Why does Canada need to take in more refugees because Trump has placed a temporary moratorium on refugees entering the United States from certain countries?  We’re already doing our part.

Why should Justin Trudeau “wade into Quebec’s cultural identity battle and take on Bill 62, which would ban those serving the public from wearing face coverings, such as niqabs at work?”  Walkom wants to re-ignite a national unity/distinct identity crisis for the purpose of what, exactly?  Use Trump as an excuse to salve a different sore?

The idea that Trump’s problems should be taken on by Canada is absurd.  Enough with the moral posturing already!  Canada is doing its fair share, and it is foolish to do more and disrupt the consensus we current have.

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