Friday, February 10, 2017

An Islamophobe’s Response to Dr. Raza Khan

Vincent J. Curtis

10 Feb 2017

My home town newspaper ran an article by Dr. Raza Khan, spokesperson for the Muslim Council of Greater Hamilton, a Muslim Brotherhood outfit.  He says he is Hamilton born, but I don't know how he could be Canadian educated and get the Canadian sense of things so wrong.  By his diction, you would think he was an immigrant from India or Pakistan.

Anyhow, he wrote a piece allegedly thanking Canadians for their signs of support from Muslims after six of them were killed in a mosque in Quebec last week.

The section below was submitted for publication, and the latter part would be additional material if more than 850 words were allowed.

Get your helmets on, progressives, and tighten your chinstraps.  Get the signs printed, the gasoline ready, and the two by fours ready to smash things.  An Islamophobe is about to make a forthright reply to the proselytizing of Dr. Raza Khan, contained in his article “Muslims encouraged by worldwide support.”

 To begin, in what sense am I an “Islamophobe?”  It is not in the brain-dead sense employed by Edward Said against Bernard Lewis.  I am Islamophobic in the same sense that a frog is scorpiophobic.

The story of the frog and the scorpion runs like this.  A scorpion asks a frog for help crossing a broad pond.  “I could ride on your back,” says the scorpion.  The frog says, “Yes, but you could sting me and kill me.”  The scorpion says, “But in that case we would both die, for I would drown.”  At that the frog agreed to carry the scorpion on his back across the pond.

Half way across, the scorpion stung the frog.  Looking back, surprised, the frog said, “Why?  You are going to die too.”  The scorpion replied, “I can’t help it.  Stinging frogs is what scorpions do.”

It is the natural and endemic tendency of Muslims to be Muslims that causes me to become deeply alarmed for Canadian culture, and the culture of the West in general, at the prospect of large numbers of Muslims moving into the Western world.  I am quite well read in the history of the relationship between the Christian West and the Islamic world.  (If you think it wrong to call the West “Christian,” think again.)  I have read the works of Bernard Lewis, Harold Lamb’s “The Crusades”, Oriana Fallaci, Mark Steyn, and others.  I bear the Islamic world no malice, I just think they should live in their own House.

Islam divides the world into Dar al Islam (the House of Islam) and Dar al Harb (The House of War).  Canada, Europe are the House of War, the places Islam has yet to bring under submission to Allah.  For 1,400 years it was forbidden for Muslims to sojourn in the land of the infidel, but now they are, by the millions.  Why?

Islam is absolutely incompatible with Western values.  Islam has Sharia law, laid down by Allah, and therefore unchangeable.  The West has its Charters and Bills of Rights – laws made by men.  In having to choose between law made by Allah and law made by men, the True Muslim will follow Sharia law, a law which places Muslims legally above non-Muslims and men above women.  Free speech critical of Islam, which Muslims regard as blasphemy, is punishable by death in Muslim countries, like Pakistan.  The tolerant, secular Christian values of Charters of Rights cannot stand against Sharia.

I see the insinuation of Muslim values shot through Khan’s piece.  “Today we are Muslim” the politicians and protesters declared in support of Muslims worldwide, he quotes.  Does anyone remember “Je suis Charlie” in response to the Charlie Hebdo massacre in Paris two years ago?  Same thing, same reason: empty moral posturing.

Khan continues, “…on behalf of all Muslims, thank you… We are grateful to Allah that you are all our Canadian brothers and sisters.  Your support is antivenin to those of who seek to spread hate,” he says.

Look, big time Imams can’t speak on behalf of anyone but themselves, so Khan’s thanking Christian Canadians on behalf of all Muslims binds no one beyond himself.  It was a Christian thing done by Canadians.  In Egypt, when Christian Copts are killed by Muslim gangs and their churches fire-bombed, you don’t find Muslims in the Middle East out protesting the violence against Christians.

Why?  Because Christians are being chastised in accordance with the will of Allah, whereas something is wrong when Muslims get chastised.  That simply is not the proper order of things.  Muslims are special in the eyes of Allah.

Khan goes on, “all peace-loving Muslims have been targeted for their beliefs and made to account, atone, and answer for the violent actions of other Muslims in land occupied and attacked by western armies.”  See, no Muslim gets blamed here.  The actions of ISIS, al Qaeda, are due to western armies attacking and occupying Dar al Islam.

Except that isn’t true either.  9/11 happened before the United States invaded anywhere in Dar al Islam.  ISIS arose in Syria, where the United States has never been, and in Iraq after the United States and coalition forces left in 2011.  So, the excuse that ISIS and al Qaeda are responses to western actions is simply a pious falsehood.  Tawriya as it is called in Arabic.

And then, “Media outlets world-wide seemed to make little effort to differentiate the vast majority of peace-loving, law abiding Muslims worldwide from those committing violent acts in the name of Islam…”  Again, not so.  George W. Bush bent over backwards to differentiate between radicals and followers of the “Religion of Peace.”  So did the media, and politicians from top to bottom.  The demonstrations about Quebec were further examples.  So, Khan releases another self-pitying falsehood.

When asked about the difference between radical Islam and peaceful Islam, President Erdogan of Turkey replied, “there is only one Islam.”  The president of Turkey says the opposite of Dr. Khan.

Muslims can be as Muslim as they want.  They can self-pity, and complain about everything from the Crusades to the cartoons.

Just not in my House.

Additional material

Khan makes a theological error when he says that "We worship the same God...that many of you worship, only we call him 'Allah'"  This frankly is not true.  Islam is the most profound of Christian heresies in that it denies the divinity of Jesus.  The Christian sense of God is a triune, consisting of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.  Unlike the God of Christian acquaintance, Allah is a singularity that is utterly incomprehensible and capable of contradicting himself.  Allah, in the Islamic conception, lacks the trait of aeseity.

Khan says quite properly that Islam is not coterminous with a race, and then says that racism does not stop with Islamophobia.  After admitting that Islam is not a race, he implies that Islamophobia is one form of racism!

Khan then conjures up the image of closet racists and xenophobes rising up to upset the entire Canadian establishment and anything politically correct under Trump style politics of fear and division "infused into the veins of Canadians by these politicians who have not the interests of all Canadians heart, but their own fortunes and self-interests."  Just like Trump! So, are Canadians who have fear and division infused into their veins racists and xenophobes now, or only after this stuff was infused into their veins?  How big this group is, only Allah knows, but he says we have to watch, wait, and be ready to stand up of Canada, strong and free.  Except he is calling upon Christian Canadians to do the heavy lifting, for the benefit of Muslims in Canada.

From beginning to end, Khan's piece was proselytizing for the Muslim Brotherhood. 

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