Thursday, July 28, 2016

Trump, Russian Hackers, and Stupid Democrats

Vincent J. Curtis

28 July 2016

Donald Trump dominated the Democratic National Convention yesterday in a way no one could have expected, but in a way characteristic of The Donald.  He made a lot of people look ridiculous.

In the course of doing a press conference in Scranton, Pennsylvania, yesterday, Trump impishly called upon the Russians for help finding Hillary’s 33,000 missing emails.  The video of that remark and of several others were replayed over the news networks in the course of the coverage of the Democrat convention that nominated Hillary Clinton as candidate for president.

When one cable network ran a “crawl” headline that read, “Trump calls on Russians for Help Finding Missing Emails” I almost busted a gut laughing.  My stomach muscles ached afterwards, I laughed so hard.  Not just because Trump had the media talking about emails again, but because he made Hillary, the Democrats, and the Obama Administration look ridiculous.

After the 19,000 DNC email dump by WikiLeaks that showed a conspiracy to undermine the Sanders Campaign, the Democrats on Monday darkly hinted that the Russians were the ones who had hacked DNC computers and fed the information to WikiLeaks in order to boost the Trump campaign.  Trump was benefiting from Russian intervention into the American electoral process, Democrats alleged.  They would not go so far as to say that they knew the Russians had hacked the DNC for the reason below, and dark hints were as far as they would go.

The Democrat talking points had to straddle two dangerous lion pits.  One was to distract attention from the content of the leaked emails, which showed a conspiracy against Bernie Sanders.  The other was the observation that if the Russians had hacked the DNC server, how easy could it have been and likely it was that the Russians had hacked Hillary’s unsecured private server that contained highly classified national secrets.

The Democrats defended against the latter charge by saying that there was no proof of a Russian hack; but of course Hillary destroyed the evidence before handing her server over to the FBI, and the FBI were forced to reconstruct the email record forensically, piece by piece, sector by sector.

Hillary never did hand over the 33,000 emails she claimed were private, and were on her yoga classes, Chelsea’s wedding plans, and the like.  No national secrets.  But they may contain evidence of criminal conspiracy to enrich herself because of favors she granted as Secretary of State in return for contributions to the Clinton Foundation or for Bill’s speaking fees.  These private emails on a server that no longer exists were the ones Trump was referring to.

Thus when Trump playfully asked for help from Russian hackers to find Hillary’s 33,000 missing personal emails, he was making the Democrats look foolish for tying him in a dark way to the theory of Russian interference in the election to harm Hillary, Hillary herself, and the Obama Administration for their failure to recover Hillary personal emails and to prosecute Hillary for criminal conspiracy and obstruction of justice.

Making the Democrats look foolish was Trump’s crime.

I couldn’t believe how stupid so many people looked in criticizing Trump.  Even apparent grown-ups like Leon Panetta showed himself to be no brighter than dog turd, and just as lacking in a sense of humor.

Panetta and others hinted that Trump was a traitor for encouraging the Russians to hack American computers.  Early in the day, Charles Krauthammer pointed out the trap Trump had laid for Clinton by that remark and Clinton’s campaign manager fell right into it.  Democrats the entire night jumped into the same pit like so many lemmings possessed by humorless stupidity.  If Trump was a traitor for asking for Russian help, how much greater was the crime Hillary committed by putting national secrets in a place that the Russians could get them!

Even some Fox News analysts started peering over the edge nervously, considering the jump.  Dana Perino, a host of The Five, jumped with the Democrats.  She tut-tutted Trump for not acting “presidential” enough and lectured him that when running for president you have to check your sense of humor at the door.

Trump has dominated the Democrat convention so far in a way that could never be anticipated.  The Democrats and the media are still talking about emails and making themselves look foolish to the average viewer for failing to see how ridiculous Trump is making them all look.  Trump is the only adult in the room: he and the TV viewers.

He has a devastating sense of humor.

One can only await with relish the campaign in the fall.  I can only hope my stomach muscles can hold out.

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