Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Conservative Morale Cowardice in the Case of Kim Davis

Kim Davis, Outlaw and Martyr

Vincent J. Curtis

9 Sept 15

Kim Davis is the County Clerk of Rowan County, Virginia, who was sent to jail for her refusal to issue marriage licences.  Davis is a Christian, and refuses place her name in sanction for an act that is an abomination in the eyes of God.  So as not to discriminate, she refuses to issue marriage licences of any kind.  If someone wanted a marriage license, they had get one in a neighboring county.

My criticism is of the conservative commentators who tut-tut about the rule of law and observe how it was wrong for Davis to thwart the law.  These people, on this issue at least, are moral cowards.  They take an act of judicial lawlessness as an act of the rule of law, out of cowardice.  They don’t want to face up to the real challenge to the rule of law before them.

In a classic example of left-wing straw cases, first used in the Birmingham bus desegregation matter involving Rosa Parks, semi-organized couples, both gay and heterosexual, attended at the Rowan County Clerk’s office and were filmed loudly demanded marriage licenses.  They were denied.  They then turned to the ACLU, and together went to court to demand that Kim Davis be “ordered” issue them marriage licenses.

The court so ordered, and when she refused to obey the court “order”, it sent her to jail for contempt of court, without bail.  On Tuesday, September 8th she was released after the court intimidated her staff into issuing licenses against her consent, and lawful authority.  In Davis’s opinion, such licenses are void.

The moral cowardice of conservatives on this issue was palpable.  The “law” of which they speak is the law of tyrants.  And the law of a tyrant is a sham of a law deserving no respect whatsoever.  Conservatives’s love for order seems to have overcome their moral scruples about the merits at issue, and rather than erect the flag of rebellion, they caved.

How did America get to his pass where the exercise of Christian religion produces “illegal” activity in the form of passivity?  It came about because of persistent law-breaking by the other side, the side that wants nothing to do with the rule of law until it suits their agenda.

If homosexuals had obeyed the laws on sodomy, America would not have reached this pass.  But what happened was that law enforcement authorities lost their heart in enforcing the laws of sodomy.  Then came the wave of state constitutional amendments defining marriage as between one man and one woman, and the passage of the federal Defense of Marriage Act.  Lawless issuing of marriage licenses by County Clerks in violation of State constitutions caused a loss of heart by those who ought to have defended the law as it stood.

Then came the court cases against the state constitutions and the Defense of Marriage Act.  Lawless refusal by state and federal authorities, who were in the tank for gay marriage, presented no defense in court and no outside group was granted standing to fight the government’s fight.  Thus, by judicial fiat and connivance, gay marriage become “law.”

And this product of a sequence of lawlessness conservatives fecklessly defend under “rule of law.”

The word law belongs in quotes because judges do not make law.  Legislatures make law, and courts simply decide what the law is in particular cases.  Hence it is wrong to say that gay marriage is the law of the land in the United States when state constitutions and state law still declare otherwise.

When the courts struck down the state amendments declaring what marriage was, that in itself was not to legislate what marriage now was to be.  Courts can act in a nugatory manner, but since gay marriage was never legal and never recognized in law prior, there was no status quo ante to return to.  Okay, say it is discriminatory not to allow gays to marry, but until the legislature passes the law to govern the matter, the state authorities have only natural law and custom to understand what marriage is.  And those two hold that marriage is between one man and one women.  Hence, a court ruling striking down a law defining marriage did not in itself lay down a new, positive definition of marriage in law.  It might merely have stated what it ought to be, not what it actually was.

After the courts struck down state constitutional amendments declaring what marriage was, it simply opened the door for the state legislature to pass new legislation itself, since there was now no valid constitutional declaration on the subject.  But a court cannot order a legislature to act in a particular way, nor posit it’s will in substitution for a legislature’s act.

Conservatives ought to be in rebellion against the lawless actions of courts if they are true to their belief in the rule of law.  But they don’t, and so their mumbling about “rule of law” is just a cop-out.  Exercises of raw judicial power is not a rule of law.

A Tennessee court recently refused to grant a divorce to a heterosexual couple on the grounds that the Supreme Court had taken the issue out of the hands of the states and so confused what marriage actually was that he could not consent to dissolving something he no longer understood.  This is the route of rebellion.  Throw whole issue of marriage into the hands of the Supreme Court.

Since only the Supreme Court knows what a marriage is, let them issue licenses, and let them perform marriages, and let them deal with divorces.  Overwhelm the Court with the consequences of their lawlessness.

The Supreme Court created this mess, and now conservatives ought to force them deal with it.  In the meantime, they should stop mumbling about the rule of law when it comes to gay marriage.

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