Thursday, July 9, 2015

Obama in Agreement with Fundamental Principles Re: ISIS

Vincent J. Curtis

8 July 2015

President Barack Obama spoke on Monday on the achieving of 5,000 airstrikes against ISIS since last summer.  In the course of his remarks, he recognized the near impossibility of destroying an ideology by military means alone.  From military science we know that to defeat an ideology it may require a competitive idea, or it may require the passage of time, when the ideology simply passes out of fashion.

His exact remarks are as follows:

[ISIS] relies on fear, sometimes executing its own disillusioned fighters. Its unrestrained brutality often alienates those under its rule,

…our strategy recognizes that no amount of military force will end the terror that is ISIL unless it’s matched by a broader effort -- political and economic -- that addresses the underlying conditions that have allowed ISIL to gain traction

…in order for us to defeat terrorist groups like ISIL and al Qaeda it's going to also require us to discredit their ideology -- the twisted thinking that draws vulnerable people into their ranks

It’s going to be up to Muslim communities, including scholars and clerics, to keep rejecting warped interpretations of Islam, and to protect their sons and daughters from recruitment.

But what is it that makes ISIS, ISIS?  It is its strict interpretation of Islam, of Sharia law, and the opportunity for self-appointed guardians of Islam to impose Islamic punishments.  ISIS represents the fullest application of Sharia and Islam.  It is the most authentic Islam that presently exists on earth.  And what is found is that such application is intolerable, even among those raised in such a culture.

Where Obama is wrong is where he says that Muslim scholars and clerics keep rejecting warped interpretations of Islam.  Muslim scholars and clerics don’t reject ISIS’s interpretation of Islam because it is Islam.  The most authentic kind, in fact.  I have yet to hear of a consensus emerging among Islamic scholars that ISIS is engaged in heresy.  And one won’t because every ISIS action can be justified on the basis of some passage or other of Islam’s holy books, which testifies to its authenticity.

As a practical matter, ISIS is proving the utter impracticality of Sharia law.  It is absurd to propose that God made man in order to make him miserable, and Sharia law – supposedly God-made - is making men miserable.  But if Sharia is false, then all Islam is false.

The atrocities committed by ISIS and the suffering of the Muslims who live under ISIS rule demonstrate that Sharia law is false.  God did not create Sharia law.  Sharia law does not follow from God’s words, despite the claims of Islamic scholars.  Islamic scholars are silent in the face of the atrocities of ISIS, which means that they understand that the Sharia law applied by ISIS and the punishments imposed by ISIS for the violation of Sharia law are all authentic Islam.  And the application of Sharia by ISIS proves to the world that Sharia is false.  And that therefore Islam is false.

How can Muslims who are suffering under ISIS and are discovering the falsity of Sharia and, consequently, of Islam repudiate ISIS?  What is that competitive idea that can defeat the ideology of ISIS?  What can make that ideology pass out of fashion?

That competitive idea, the one that repudiates ISIS’s ideology, that result which can make that ideology pass out of fashion is Christianity and the widespread adoption of Christianity by the people under ISIS rule.  If there was widespread conversion to Christianity of the people under ISIS rule, the caliphate so precious to ISIS would cease to be dar al Islam.  It would cease to be Islamic territory, and become Christian territory. Such an event would not only repudiate ISIS and its ideology, but it would cause Islam itself to begin to pass out of intellectual fashion.  And there is no reason why a Muslim would want to hang on to Islam since ISIS has now proved that Islam is false.

President Barack Obama is on the right track when he says that military force alone will not defeat the ideology of ISIS.  That ideology is authentic Islam.  ISIS is doing a good job on its own to discredit Islam.  Where Obama errs is in his belief that Islamic scholars and clerics will reject the “warped interpretations of Islam”, because those interpretations are not warped; they are authentic Islam.  For political reasons, and perhaps personal ones too, Obama cannot make a full-throated call for the Muslims under ISIS rule to reject Islam and become Christian.

Nevertheless, widespread conversion is what needs to happen.

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