Wednesday, July 2, 2014




Vincent J. Curtis

25 June 2014



For all the talk and turmoil in Washington over who lost Iraq, a few rather important things are missing from the discussion.


ISIS, the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, moved into and has occupied the north-central part of Iraq from Syria and presently lie within striking distance of Baghdad.  Unable to make headway in Syria against the government forces of President Bashir al-Assad, this force of ISIS, once estimated to be about 6,000 men in size, moved east and south into Iraqi territory against an utterly demoralized and unprofessionally led Iraqi military.  ISIS “conquered” and occupied the city Mosul, and many other minor towns and villages.  ISIS members savagely murdered thousands of innocents and those protected by the Laws of War in their area of control.


Curiously, everybody seems to take for granted the claim by ISIS that it intends to establish an Islamic Caliphate.  Official Washington and many on the political right believe that such a state would represent a threat to the strategic interests of the United States, and perhaps serve as a base for terrorist strikes within homeland America.  As such, military intervention by the United States, either in the form of air strikes or of military “boots on the ground,” is justified to turn the tide in Iraq.


Thinking people ought to be able to make their own assessment and reach their own conclusions.  It seems, as in the case of Boko Haram, that Washington takes the political protestations of a gang of murderers altogether too seriously.  From a close analysis of the facts on the ground one can reach the conclusion that the career of ISIS amounts to nothing more than the madcap adventures of a homicidal egomaniac.  That person is Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, an alias.


ISIS says it desires to create an Islamic Caliphate under strict Sharia law.  A Caliphate is a special thing in Islamic history and teaching; it amounts to the empire of the Ummah, the believers; and is led by a Caliph.  Nobody seems to ask ISIS who this Caliph is supposed to be.  More importantly, what will be the relationship between this Caliph and the King and state of Saudi Arabia, the King of Jordan, and the Presidents and states of Iran, Egypt, and Turkey?  By rights, these individuals and states should be vassals and vassal states of the Caliph, and historically this state of subordination was maintained by a combination of money, diplomacy, and military force.  A little reflection will lead one to conclude that this Islamic Caliphate of ISIS amounts to a good deal of pretense and not a little egomania.


As for strict Sharia law as the basis of ISIS’s caliphate, that legal regime exists in several other states and would not a novel or atavistic experiment.  Granted, Sharia law amounts to the dominance of the Muslim male in society, but ISIS, with the wholesale murders in the territory it has conquered, took this dominance to a whole new level.  Sharia law has certain injunctions against Muslims killing other Muslims, which to date have not been enforced by al-Baghdadi against his loyal followers.  These wanton murders and this lack of enforcement of Sharia law demonstrate that the appeal of ISIS to the individual member of that body is the opportunity to gratify fantasies of dominance and power over others, and of desires even darker; and that al Baghdadi understands this.


About half of these loyal followers of his are reported to have come from rather exotic places: Britain, France, Australia, Canada, and the United States.  Since Sharia law exists in many established countries, one is entitled to conclude that it is the adventure and the opportunity for easy gratification of one’s inner demons that draws these so-called self-radicalized Muslims from the western world to the war in Syria and now Iraq.


This also gives indication as to the true purpose of ISIS, and it has nothing to do with the long term resolution of a political crisis.  There is no reason, therefore, to place any weight on the alleged political program of ISIS.  ISIS exists because it can, and survives for the gratification of the personal demons of its members.


Militarily, ISIS is extremely weak.  For any attack by ISIS within homeland America to occur, the attackers would have board a commercial airliner and pass through U.S. Customs.  The Administration could protect the American homeland by control at the borders.


On Monday, June 30th, the AP reported that ISIS has declared the creation of an Islamic state and their leader, al-Baghdadi, the Caliph.  Previously he was just an Emir.  With his proclamation, he has demanded the submission of all Muslims and declared illegal any previously created Muslim state, such as Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Turkey, Egypt, and so on.


I guess al-Baghdadi answered the questions in the piece above.  These answers prove my contention that al-Baghdadi is an unserious enthusiast; and rather than concede the political legitimacy of his gang of murderers, we should instead look at what he does rather than what he says.


The ISIS movement cannot last much longer.  Al-Baghdadi is no longer fighting the United States, or Christian Crusaders, or any other western phantasm.  Now he is declaring war upon solid, well-established Islamic entities.  His supply of western bayonets is going to dry up and he will suddenly find himself without money, except for the cash he stole from Iraqi banks.


Focussing on the criminal acts rather than taking seriously the political proclamations of these groups is the more informative activity.  The alleged political program of the gang is taken altogether too seriously.  A gang of homicidal maniacs drags a red herring of politics before itself, and the hounds of Washington chase after the fish


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