Monday, September 2, 2024

AP disgraces itself, again

Vincent J. Curtis

30 Aug 24

RE: Millions of fish wash ashore after climate-related die-off. AP story by Vaggelis Kousioras and Derek Gatopoulos. The Hamilton Spectator 30 Aug 24.

Where’s the “, officials say” after the claim of a climate-related die-off of fish? By neglecting to add that little caveat at the end, as journalists “allegedly” know, it means AP is putting its stamp of approval on the claim.  The story neglects to mention who the “authorities” are who make the claim that AP agrees with.  They might well be activists capitalizing on, or officials hiding their negligence or malfeasance behind, the assertion that the death of the fish was “climate-related.”

The claim is this: that the lake, re-created in 2018, was swollen with rainwater last fall, then the water level dropped due to a months long period of no rainfall.  Thus, the fish died, and climate was responsible.  Post hoc, ergo, propter hoc? An appeal to prejudice?

A critical mind finds deficiencies in the rationale and the attribution of cause, that being climate funny business. Certainly, enough abounds in the story that AP ought to be hedging, as a responsible news organization would.


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