Wednesday, May 15, 2024

A test of gullibility

Vincent J. Curtis

15 May 24

RE: Last summer was the warmest in 2,000 years, records show. AP story by Seth Borenstein. The Hamilton Spectator 15 May 24.

The headline and story were actually tests of gullibility: if you believed them, you’re gullible.  They can’t possibly know what they claim to know.

First, there are no temperature records that go back 2,000 years; and there are no trees scattered around the world that are 2,000 years old.

Second, there is no theory that connects tree-ring thickness to average annual temperature. What kind of tree these “researchers” relied on goes unstated.  Anyone who’s actually seen a tree-ring, knows that they can vary considerably in thickness as you trace it around the trunk.

Third, before the hockey stick graph, a theory was proposed (DA Graybill & SB Idso 1993) that CO2 fertilization could thicken tree rings: and the very same tree ring data were used in 1998 to make the famous hockey-stick graph, which is based on temperature!

Lastly, what was going on 2,000 years ago that made it hotter than last summer?

These alleged studies are all faked to wipe from memory the Roman and Medieval Warm periods, the Dark Ages cold period and the Little Ice Age to protect the hockey stick graph, which doesn’t show them.

So, how gullible were you?


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