Sunday, October 8, 2023

It’s never been about science

Vincent J. Curtis

7 Oct 23

RE: Denying science for fortune and fame. Opinion piece by Jay Robb, Communications Manager for McMaster University Faculty of Science.  The Hamilton Spectator 7 Oct 23

Since the Rio 92 conference, which was headed by Canada’s Maurice Strong, climate science has never been about science; it’s always been about finding a justification to humble the Western world by crippling its economic success.  That’s why the operative word in IPCC is Intergovernmental and that the lead chapter in every IPCC report is Advice for Policy Makers.  When Michael Mann produced the hockey-stick graph in 1998, it was like manna from heaven, the smoking gun, the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, that justified crippling Western electric power generation and transportation fleets.

It turned out that Mann’s hockey stick was fool’s gold, and Steve McIntyre was the one who pointed that out.  The hockey stick was brandish around the world by the IPCC.  However, nobody previous to McIntyre had checked Mann’s work, not even for computational errors, and McIntyre, who knows a lot about statistical analysis, thought he spotted fraud; and he asked Mann for his raw data so that he could replicate the hockey stick himself.  It took a long while, but he got it, and asked economist Ross McKittrick to confirm his findings.  They found mathematical errors and statistical folly.  Together, McIntyre and McKittrick wrote a paper that demolished the scientific validity of the hockey stick, and their claims were upheld upon review by the US National Academy of Sciences.  For that, they’ve never been forgiven by the hockey-stickers, for without the hockey stick, they’ve no cause at all.

No climate “denier” denies the earth has a climate; in fact the earth has many climates.  What is denied is that CO2 is a weather control knob.  What’s also denied is a strong connection between CO2 and global warming; these two theories are busts, and it’s unscientific to uphold them, as Jay Robb does.

This malicious review condemns two Canadians as being climate deniers simply for fame and fortune, the late Dr. Tim Ball and Mr. Steve McIntyre on account of their effective attacks on the work of one Dr. Michael Mann, who was awarded his Ph.D. for the hockey stick paper.  Attacking Mann’s work is an attack on science, according to Robb.  Mann sued Ball, and lost the case, but, to my knowledge, never paid Ball before his death the legal fees he was assessed in losing the case.

In the Tom Nelson podcast #30 featuring Dr. Ross McKittrick, McKittrick goes through in detail the analysis of Mann’s work; the whole story is an appalling indictment of the state of climate “science,” which remains mostly valid today.  The whole discipline is corrupted from top to bottom, driven entirely by a political agenda, and rife with professional incompetence.  The professional incompetence and corruption was complained about by UAH Professor John Christy before a congressional committee in 2010. (There’s a presently a movement among retired physics professors to declare climate “science” as not a sub-discipline of physics.)

The climate “crisis” is driven, in part, by money.  Billions in research grants have been wasted in phoney or worthless climate research, and on modelling with expensive supercomputers.  In return for their grant money, the job of the researchers is to justify the Marxist idea that the economic success of the Western countries needs to be humbled, by making everything more expensive, particularly electrical power generation.

The search for fame and fortune is all by the climate crazies, those who claim the climate change is responsible for the rise in cases of dandruff.  It especially low for someone allegedly involved in science to lack the fineness of thought to understand the objections to the hockey-stick “science.”  But that’s it, isn’t it?  It’s been about politics from the start, and the use of the cancel weapon became routine, and first exposed in the climategate email scandal that involved Mann and Phil Jones.


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