Tuesday, July 4, 2023

Climate scamming a new tax

Vincent J. Curtis

3 July 23

RE: City to start charging storm water fees in 2025.  News item.  The Hamilton Spectator 1 July 23.

The climate change scam has many uses, and one of them is to provide a moral distraction for this new tax on the alleged additional storm water runoff caused by “climate change.”  You know this is a tax scam because farmers in rural areas not connected to the city storm sewer system are going to be charged as well.

It’s not enough just to allege climate change, you have to prove it.  Average annual rainfall records go back a long way.  If you were to take the average from, say, 1950 to 1990, you’d get a reasonable estimate of the pre-climate change volume of storm water runoff.  That could be used as a base; and if annual rainfall exceeded the annual average, that extra could be charged in fees under the veil of climate change.  If rainfall were less than average one year, that deficit would be carried over into the next year to the taxpayer’s benefit.

This isn’t going to happen.  The storm water system ceased being adequate after the construction of the Red Hill Valley Parkway; and to avoid embarrassing admissions, the city is waving the bloody shirt of climate change.

It would never occur to proper society to take the $5 billion that’s going to be sacrificed to the god of LRT and spend it on infrastructure.  The city is going to put 200,000 more people downtown, and that will require a completely reengineered water and sewer system.


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