Friday, May 5, 2023

What's evil is good

Vincent J. Curtis

5 May 23

RE: Pride flag symbolizes inclusion.  Spectator editorial of 4 May 23

The enforcement of a political orthodoxy is what flying the so-called “Pride” flag is all about.  Flying the flag over Catholic schools isn’t a symbol of acceptance, but of conquest.  The angry responses of parents at the York Catholic District School Board is the true sentiment concerning “acceptance.”

There is something deep and visceral in human nature against LGBTQ behavior, and it arises because such behavior cannot lead to reproduction and is therefore unnatural.  Evolutionary biology and Catholic teaching are as one on this point.

Sixty years of enforcing the “acceptance” of LGTBQ failed to dent basic human nature, and parents of today who were soaked in political correctness all their young lives rebel at this sign of LGBTQ political conquest.  I can only forgive Trustees who caved to the pressure out of fear, or exhaustion, of the righteous vandalism that would ensue if resistance was successful.

As LGBTQ political orthodoxy advanced, largely though court decisions, it was always hoped that the children would be left out of it.  But now, even that line has been crossed.  No, Spectator, you are wrong to say “no one is too young to learn that gay, transgender, and non-binary people exist” What about three months old?  What about three years old? Transgender and non-binary didn’t even exist as categories until about ten years ago, and then sprang up from nowhere like a California fad.  And no, the latest fad of having transgendered men reading to young children is unnatural – where are the fathers?

No, Spectator, grooming young children to be deluded into thinking they are LGBTQ is morally wrong.  And you are wrong to condemn parents for trying to protect their children from grooming.

There is no acceptance of LGBTQ, and flying a flag won’t make it so; it will only harden the rejection.  We are all here because our parents acted as normal human beings do, and not because of LGBTQ behavior.  The latter behavior is unnatural, and we all feel it, no matter how hard the pounding of political orthodoxy is.

To sum up the editorial: resistance of evil is evil because what’s evil is good.


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