Monday, April 3, 2023

Climate collusion at Mac School of Social Work.

Vincent J. Curtis

3 Apr 23

RE: University finds path to net-zero uneven. News item.  The Hamilton Spectator 3 Apr 23.

The story at reference mentions that MacDivest speaker, Cordelia McConnell, is a third year social work student.  In its March 23 issue, the Spectator ran an op-ed headlined “Student protest should cause Mac to reconsider divestment” by Ameil Joseph, associate professor in the school of social work at McMaster University.  I wonder if the two know each other, and I’ll bet they do.  Could there be a cultish pressure group within the school of social work concerning Mac’s alleged climate policies?  There certainly appears to be a lot of unacknowledged collusion on the subject.

Regardless, Ameil Joseph ought to have declared his interest in MacDivest before pretending to write as a disinterested observer in support of his students.  The Spectator ought to flag it.

Withal, MacDivest could very well be an experiment in social organization, oh so popular an activity of the Left.  Social workers, as a rule, haven’t the scientific background to evaluate seriously the nonsense of the climate cultists, but it doesn’t matter.  Climate is a Cause, and divestment of energy stocks is an aim of that Cause.  That the unexamined belief of MacDivest is that McMaster University can save the planet by its heroic efforts alone goes unnoticed.

But that doesn’t matter.  What matters is the Cause; and MacDivest could very well be merely a school experiment in social organization.  Saul D. Alinsky would be proud.


1 comment:

  1. Does any sentient human actually believe that people can control the temperature of the earth? My answer is that the same people who believe that also believe that a man can be transformed into a woman and vice versa.
