Thursday, December 1, 2022

Trudeau: A study in technique

Vincent J. Curtis

30 Nov 22

In my analysis of Trudeau’s testimony before the Commission examining the invocation of the Emergencies Act, I observed a number of rhetorical and dialectical tics that he exhibits so often that they constitute a technique he employs to protect himself politically.  These are: to portray himself either as a hero or as the innocent victim; you cannot blame him for what he does; he has numerous unnamed friends who give him “reports” convenient to him; a habit of discrediting his opponent with bad-faith calumny or insinuation; truth being imposed by those with power, he has no compunction about insisting that his truth is *the* truth; and a habit of self-justification.

In this brief scrum with Global News reporters earlier today, we can observe elements of these characteristics.  He was asked for his take on the proposed “Alberta Sovereignty Act.”  He responded:


“Obviously, we’re going to look at this very, very closely [inaudible].  But we’re already seeing a number of Albertans expressing real concern [his invisible, unnamed friends again] by the fact [here comes *his* truth, a calumny] that the Alberta government is trying to by-pass the legislature on a number of issues.  These are some things that are, obviously, going to play out over the coming weeks and months, but our focus remains [here comes the hero] on Albertans getting affordable child care [*his* truth], making sure that Albertans are part of a growing, cleaner economy that are going to see good jobs and protect our environment for years to come [*his* truth straight out of the WEF, a smudging of his destruction of oil & gas jobs, agriculture by reducing fertilizer use, and attack on cattle ranchers for cattle flatulence].  Moving forward, on safer communities which includes banning military style assault weapons [*his* truth, which insinuates a calumny against those who oppose him].  These are things we know Albertans care about.  [*his* truth, obtained from his invisible friends from Alberta]”


“We’re going to focus on delivering for Albertans the way have [he’s a hero] we know [here comes more of *his* truth] the exceptional powers which the premier is choosing to give the Alberta in by-passing the Alberta legislature it’s causing a lot of eyebrows to raise in Alberta [so his invisible friends tell him], and we’re going to see how this plays out.  I’m not going to take anything off the table [he said this before invoking the EA], but I’m also not looking for a fight [don’t blame him for what he is forced to do by Alberta].  We want to be there to continue to deliver for Albertans [he’s a hero].  There’s going to be things that we agree with that government [they’re not us] on; and there will be things we disagree with them on.  My focus is always going to be constructive [he’s a hero, don’t blame him for being forced to act.] in terms of delivering for people across the country. [he’s a hero]

The adverse reference to the Alberta Sovereignty Act giving the Alberta cabinet so-called Henry VIII powers (causing eyebrows to raise!) is more than matched by the Henry VIII powers conferred on the Trudeau cabinet in the Greenhouse Gas Pricing Act, which gave the Liberal cabinet powers without reference to the legislature.  But don’t expect consistency when you’re dealing in bad-faith.  Another example of *his* truth that calumniates his opponent in bad-faith.


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