Wednesday, May 18, 2022

Shagadelic, baby!

Vincent J. Curtis

18 May 22

RE: Canada should welcome any women fleeing the U.S. Op-ed by Craig Wallace.  The Hamilton Spectator 18 May 22.

Craig Wallace is a certifiable moron.  He wants us to accept women fleeing the U.S. because it would be good for Canada’s demographics.  The young women he speaks of get pregnant right?  And have babies, right?

Pregnant maybe, but you would be wrong.  This tide of nubile women would be fleeing the U.S. because they want to be able to abort their babies!  There goes much of the demographic benefit argument.

The other part of Wallace’s demographic benefit argument is that these young, nubile women will be well educated and will make good workers – for government and large corporations.  They’ll pay taxes that support CPP, Medicare, education, and just plain raise government revenues.  And they’ll just keep working because – no babies!

But what happens when they get old and there are no children to look after them?  Never mind, a problem for another generation.

Meanwhile, there is some benefit to Canada.  Given the influx of young women, and only women, Canada will become a more shagadelic nation essentially cost-free!  What red-blooded Canadian man can be opposed to that?

I realize we’re talking about men and women, and women getting pregnant and not men, and heterosexual sex, and neglect how we mustn’t be transphobic and all, but Wallace started it.  Perhaps, that’s another piece of evidence that he’s a certifiable moron.


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