Monday, June 7, 2021

Macdonald's our hero, not theirs

Vincent J. Curtis

5 June 21

RE: Indigenous residents want Macdonald gone. Hamilton Specttor, June 5, 2021.

“He’s a mass murderer.  He had an agenda, which was not a good agenda.” said Audrey Davis, Executive Director of Hamilton Regional Indian Centre.  Obviously, the beatings she received at residential school weren’t severe enough, because Audrey knows next to nothing.  At least her sentences were in grammatical English and not some Indian dialect, which is a sign of progress.

Macdonald’s agenda was to form Canada and develop it as a dominion.  He succeeded.  That’s makes him Canada’s hero.  Though holding status, Indians do not regard themselves as Canadian.  They’re First Nations, remember?  Their opinion of whom Canadians wish to honour is of no moment.  Suggestions that Indians should be consulted concerning the removal of Macdonald’s statue are completely off base.

If the Mohawks erected a memorial to Chief Wackthemhurons, our opinions of the matter wouldn’t and shouldn’t count.

If there’s anyone who fits the description of colonizer, it’s Nrinder Nann.  Her moral posturing on aboriginal issues in Canada are for personal benefit, for she has no understanding or interest in the issues beyond her little self.

Macdonald’s statue has graced the downtown of Hamilton for nearly one hundred and thirty years.  Except for those Day Zero, born yesterday types, we learned nothing new about Macdonald recently.  (He drank, did you know?)  Removal of his statue would be a sign of brain-wasting disease in those running Hamilton.  It isn’t worth the price of “reconciliation” because we are who we are, and the Indians aren’t about to become Canadian if we disgrace our founding hero.

Macdonald is Canada’s hero.  His statue should stay.


1 comment:

  1. I can agree with that. I guess you aren’t worried about being canceled.
