Monday, January 22, 2018

Trudeau's Incoherence and the story of raisin pudding

 Vincent J. Curtis

22 Jan 2018

The requirement of mandatory attestation on applications by groups for summer job funding is yet another example of the protection that Justin Trudeau himself, and the Liberal party, have afforded the abortion industry in Canada.  While some hide behind the claim of female health or reproductive “rights”, abortion is also a medical business that enjoys special funding status within Canada’s Medicare system.

Abortion was legalized in Canada when Justin’s father, Pierre Trudeau, was Prime Minister.  Between 1974 and 2015, there were 3,684,000 abortions in Canada, according to Statistics Canada, and the current rate since 2007 has been about 100,000 per year.

Ahmed D. Hussen, Minister of Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship has called for an increase in the number of immigrants to Canada in order to meet the demands of the Canadian labor market and to help sustain our social programs such as the Canada Pension Plan.

Between the crying need for more people and the tender protection of the abortion business lies an incoherence in Trudeau’s thinking.

It is worse than incoherent, it is vicious.  We are instructed that every other culture in the world is as good as the Canadian culture, and yet the Trudeau policies operate to suppress Canadian native born in favor of adults born abroad who were not raised in Canadian culture.  Why should that be?  It seems to say that Canadian culture is worse than any of the others, even in Canada.

The Liberal idea that Canadian culture is diverse and inclusive is incoherent.  To observe that there are raisins in the pudding, one must hold that raisins and pudding are not the same thing.

Sooner or later, this incoherence catches up.  Look what happened to the Austro-Hungarian Empire, and Yugoslavia.  Both were founded upon the principles of diversity and inclusiveness - the allegedly key elements of Canadian culture- as held by the Liberal party and Canadian progressives.  Both states collapsed when there were too much raisin for the pudding to hold together.

Progressives are all incoherent in their reasoning.

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