Saturday, November 4, 2017

Hillary - the Harvey Weinstein of Washington

Vincent J. Curtis

4 Nov 2017

It is easy for the Trump-haters to waffle on about how evil the man is, and to make dark insinuations about his having stolen the election.  The Trump-haters never seem to confront the fact that their alternative was Hillary Clinton.

At the moment, the Trump-haters’ candidate is embroiled in three controversies equal in scale to Watergate.  After a year of lying about it, it turns out that Hillary’s campaign bought and paid for the so-called Steele Dossier, the salacious and unproven allegations which formed the justification for the Mueller Inquiry.  The Steele dossier was Hillary’s campaign ruse and was intended to destroy Trump’s candidacy.  It got out of control, and America’s intelligence services took it for real.  And it was all fake Russian disinformation with dashes possibly of disinformation from rogue spooks in MI6 and the FBI!  For a year, all those associated with the creation of the dossier lied about their their not being involved.  Even now, those who ought to have known deny knowing anything about it.

On Thursday it was revealed that Hillary bought the bankrupt Democratic National Committee in August, 2015, and, through that, the control which guaranteed she got the party’s nomination.  Through willing accomplices, the DNC was made to look like an independent operation, when in fact it was a wholly owned subsidiary of the Clinton Campaign.  Bernie Sanders' loss was, at least in part, a result of rigging.  And when it is said that the Steele dossier was paid for by both the DNC and Hillary's campaign, it was all Hillary's money.

Now the Uranium One deal, documented in the book Clinton Cash, which saw the Clinton Foundation pocket $140 million off the books while Bill was personally tipped to the tune of half a million, is reaching the public consciousness.

What is also gradually coming to light is what a fetid, dirty, lying administration Barack Obama ran - one worthy of a third-world, tin-pot, sanctimonious tyrant, with all of its lying courtiers – many of whom were employed in the press.  If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor; Benghazi, the Iran deal, selectively releasing the bin Laden document trove and hiding the rest, the unmasking of Trump associates and other political enemies, the creation of echo chambers for know-nothing reporters, ISIL, treating Beau Bergdahl as a returning hero who served "with honor and distinction"  Nothing but sanctimonious lying and deception.

The choice of the Trump-haters would have continued the oppressive lies of her erstwhile predecessor, with the added insult of Hillary treating the presidency as Eldorado – an office for sale, just as she treated her Secretaryship of State.

Hillary Clinton would have been the Harvey Weinstein of Washington – someone known by insiders as being deeply personally corrupt but whose corruption was tolerated and kept secret because she validated the right political opinions, and because none of the insiders were personally affected by her corrupt ways.

The American public understood the stakes and elected Donald Trump – warts and all.  He had all the right enemies, and his perceived uncouthness simply added relish to the offence he would cause among all the right people.  Perhaps there can be cosmic justice here on earth.

Despite everything, Donald Trump is doing well as president.  His handling of foreign policy has been superb, shining far greater in comparison to the Obama disaster.  The stock markets have boomed since his election, and the America economy is fast reviving.  In the teeth of opposition, progress is being made on Obamacare, tax reform, immigration reform, regulation abatement, and the Wall.

Far more annoying to the Trump-haters is that Trump is actually fulfilling the election promises he made – because the people who elected him expected him to and want him to.  Trump is their vessel, and he knows it.  When Trump is seen proudly saluting the Arizona Memorial in Pearl Harbor, his supporters are reminded of the undisguised contempt in which Barack Obama held their part of America.

Trump may not be loved, but he is doing what he said he would, and that in itself is appreciated as a refreshing change in American politics, and that is why he will be re-elected.

So the Trump-haters can prattle on all they want.  But they all lack the courage to examine the consequences that their choice would have brought.

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