Thursday, August 17, 2017

Antifa, Neo-Nazis, Trump, and the MSM

Vincent J. Curtis

17 Aug 2017

The historical ignorance of the major news media is both selective and appalling.  A small riot in Charlottesville, and suddenly Donald Trump’s bona fides as a racist are established - according to the Main Stream Media, those who live under the left-wing prejudices of the left, and those who live in fear of it.  (i.e. leaders of businesses who fear being victimized by smear campaigns organized by the left.)

By some immutable law of politics, Republican politicians are expected to engage in a ritualized denunciation of some person or group said to belong to them in response to an emotional demand for it from the political left.  The reverse, of Democrats being forced to denounce in ritualized fashion, is never demanded by media political enforcers.  Barack Obama was never required to denounce the Black Lives Matter movement even after police were killed in response to BLM incitement.  Nor was he called upon to say that BLM was founded upon a lie.  Obama never denounced radical Islamic terrorism, but he did lecture Americans about the Crusades and getting on their moral high horse. Obama paid no price in the MSM for these actions.  (The difference in media treatment between Trump and Obama is even more striking than between Bush and Clinton.)

The groups that attacked each other in Charlottesville are heresies of the same political cause – socialism.  ‘Nazi’ is a contraction of the German words for National Socialism; the communism of Stalin and Mao were socialist in economics; and Fascist Benito Mussolini was a socialist.  It was Stalin who invented the trick of calling those he didn’t like ‘fascists’ – an opposing heresy of socialism.  Hence, Antifa and neo-Nazism are opposing heresies of socialism – the defining economics of leftism.

Donald Trump does not have a dog in that fight.  He is the president of all Americans, even the ugly ones; and as such ought to maintain an evenhandedness towards citizens of all political stripes.  As between two hate groups that oppose each other, he cannot favor one side over the other, as those in the Democrat-media complex demanded of him over Charlottesville.  Donald Trump swore and oath to preserve, protect, and defend the constitution of the United States, which includes the First Amendment.

That Amendment means that people you don’t like have as much right to speak their minds as you do and there is no exemption for so-called "hate speech."  It is at violence that a line has to be drawn, and Trump, the Chief Executive, did draw that line.  Trump condemned violence and the continued incitement towards violence.  Yet, the left-wing MSM demanded that he award one side in that riot a victory over the other in some contest of morality.

When both sides are evil, both sides deserve condemnation equally.  That is what Trump did at his various press conferences, but evenhandedness was not to the liking of the MSM.  If his refusal to engage in ritualistic denunciation of the preferred media victim enraged the MSM, it also caused consternation among other Republicans who fear the smearing power of the MSM.

Trump was elected because enough people believed he was strong enough not to bow to the ritualistic demands of the swamp creatures of Washington and the MSM.

None of this is visible to those in the gutter who secretly root for one side or the other, or who unconsciously agree that neo-Nazis and the KKK belong to the conservative Republican side as left wing hate groups do not belong to the Democrats.

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