Saturday, March 19, 2016

Judges are Accessories to the Crime.

Vincent J. Curtis

18 Mar 2016

A man named A.B. went to court to get an exemption so that he could be legally killed by lethal injection in a procedure known as "assisted suicide."  The judge granted the request and A.B. was put to death the very next day, i.e. 18 Mar 2016.  The Spectator reported on the request and gave more details than was healthy for the procedure, and no doubt A.B. took full advantage of the decision immediately so that no one would try to put a stop to it.

The lies necessary to make "assisted" suicide sound innocuous are detailed below.  My opinion is that society should not give its blessing to suicide, assisted or otherwise.  If a person wants to off himself, then he should off himself and not try to smear society with the guilt of the killing.

The lies and the moral incoherence of so-called “assisted suicide” were much in evidence in the story,

The first lie is calling it “suicide.”  The description of the procedure shows that suicide is not what is occurring; the person is put to death by a drug injection by the executioner.

The second lie is that the death is going to be ruled “death by disease” rather than as suicide or murder, so as not to disturb the coroner.

The third bit of weirdness is that the applicant asked for an “exemption from the criminal code.”  I know of no legal authority that grants judges the dispensing power, and I submit that in exercising this pretend authority, a decision favorable to the applicant makes the judge accessory to the crime.

Fourth, the conditions of the sufferer being “mentally competent, in extreme pain, and making the assisted-death request without coercion or manipulation” are conditions that contradict each other.  How can a person in extreme pain be said to request assisted-death without coercion?  Extreme pain is the coercion!  The “extreme pain” renders the condition of being “mentally competent” to make such a decision not so!

If a person wants to end their own suffering, why do they ask for blessing of society?  If a person wants to off himself to end his suffering, give him a revolver.  Now, how do you think the criminal justice system would react to suicide by revolver?

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