Thursday, February 18, 2016

Kathleen Wynne Appoints Fascist Thought Control Directorate

Vincent J. Curtis

18 Feb 2016

Ontario is set to establish a fascist thought and speech control directorate.  It is called the “Anti-Racism Directorate.”

This directorate of thought and speech control is going to work with “business, community organizations, educational institutions, and the Ontario Human Rights Commission (!), with the aim to increase public awareness of racism to create a more inclusive province and apply an anti-racism ‘lens’ in developing, implementing and evaluating government policies, programs, and services.”

Thought control police I would expect from the Liberals and the NDP.  What I did not expect was support from Patrick Brown, leader of the Progressive Conservative party, who said that thought policing was a good idea and long overdue.

The alleged reason for establishing the directorate now, as opposed to ten years ago, according to Premier Wynne, was The Black Lives Matter movement, the issue of carding, and, tellingly, “the issue of the Syrian refugee crisis.”

The Black lives matter movement is an American phenomenon based upon policing policies not employed in Canada.  Carding was developed while a certain Dalton McGuinty was Premier.

The problem with ‘issue of the Syrian refugee crisis’ puts in mind the massive official cover-up by police and politicians of the sexual assaults that occurred across Germany on New Year’s Eve, specifically the fact that refugees were the perpetrators.  Like Chancellor Merkel, it seems that Wynne does not want that discussion, for reasons I cannot fathom, save that Syrian refugees are the political flavor of the month and the Liberal party has a lot invested in that policy.

Given how little racism is an actual problem in Ontario, the danger of the directorate lies in the creativity it will have to employ to justify its existence.  If the Premier says there is a problem with racism in Ontario, the directorate had damn well better find some, and then loudly correct it.

Politicians like Wynne, Andrea Horwath, and Patrick Brown live a coddled existence; they don’t have to endure the consequences of their misguided policies.  Refugees and thought and speech control won’t affect them personally, ever.  The same can’t be said for ordinary people who do not have a position of political privilege and who might wish to exercise their ordinary right of free speech and to hold free thoughts as mere citizens of Canada.

Only Ontario’s budget problem saves Ontarians from even greater repression by progressivism.

Lest you have any doubt about the fascist, thought-controlling tendencies of progressive governments, you need look no further than the NDP government of Alberta and what it tried to do to The Rebel publication.  The NDP government hired a law firm to tell Ezra Levant, no less, that his reporters were not journalists and used that claim as justification for freezing them out.  Only an outcry from other journalists caused Premier Notley to back down, which only proves that she is without principles.

 Why would the government need an Ontario Human Rights Commission and an Anti-Racism Directorate?

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