Sunday, January 17, 2016

Bishop Henry Calls out Totalitarians at Alberta's Ministry of Education

Vincent J. Curtis

17 Jan 2016

Bishop Fred Henry of Calgary diocese released the pastoral letter at the above link.  This letter was published this Sunday in all the bulletins of the Roman Catholic Churches of Calgary diocese.  The Bishop denounces the Alberta Ministry of Education for its totalitarianism for the imposition of Gay-Straight Alliances and Queer-Straight Alliances upon the Catholic School System of Alberta despite the Loyola Ruling of the Supreme Court of Canada and that much of what the Ministry is trying to impose is either met by current policy or runs clean contrary to Catholic teaching.  Bishop Henry's language was both bracing and refreshing.

Before most of his flock could read his letter, the Calgary Sun had already dug up the usual fascist opponents of free speech and freedom of religion, in particular those drawn from the LBGTQ community. and published their demands for an apology from the Bishop for his "harmful and hateful rhetoric."  The article appears on page 4 of the Saturday, January 16, 2016 edition.

The article drags up one Kris Wells, who is the University of Alberta's director of sexual minority studies and services.  I assume Kris is female; but regardless, where Kris comes from gender identity is purely a social construct and therefore I am entitled to assign a sex to Kris, and female it is.  Kris comes from one of those "studies" faculties, which means what is taught as fact is really opinion, and highly tendentious opinion at that.

The Sun also dragged up the mother of a transgender boy, that is a male who wishes he was female.  She goes unnamed, but she complains about her plight.  She thinks her son should be allowed to use the girl's washroom, or else he might kill himself, or something.  She also purports to know more about the Catholic faith than His Excellency.

As my wife says, show me a mother of a transgendered child and I'll show you a mother who really, really, really wanted a child of the opposite sex.

Also dragged up was one Ian Butterman, a Catholic teacher who was fired for having a sex change operation several years ago and has not been picked up by the public board.

A large cacophony of stinking fish heard all round the world.

I've had it up to here with PC fascism whose only arguments are to say "shut up," and "you are evil." I'm sick and tired of the kowtowing to the sick and the wicked.  That would be the LBGTQ community and its fascist allies in government.  Some of this might appear in the piece below, submitted to the Calgary Sun.

I supposed Bishop Fred Henry of Calgary should tell the LGBTQ fascists to go ‘eff themselves, except, being a holy man, that is precisely what he would advise against.

The ignorance of these LGBTQ fascists is astonishing, but not surprising.  LGBTQ behaviours are not just contrary to the strictures of the Bible, but they run clean contrary to Natural Law as well, and Natural Law is not grounded in religion.  Hence Kris Wells, University of Alberta’s director of “sexual minority studies and services” should betake herself to the philosophy department and learn something that constitutes actual knowledge.

Not just the philosophy department, but a trip to the History department wouldn’t hurt either.  To say that Bishop Henry’s “fanatical comments increasingly demonstrate how out of touch he is with the modern reality faced by youth,” is to somehow believe that the world began in the middle of the 20th century.  Today’s youth have it easy compared with the realities faced by youth in any previous era.  Never mind the “dangerous environment” created by Bishop Henry, how about the dangers to freedom of speech and religion that fascists like Wells and the Alberta Ministry of Education are busy perpetrating?

Also quoted in the story is an Edmonton mother of a transgender child.  Bishop Henry “hasn’t been around a transgender person, and he hasn’t been around transgender youth…you tell me that it’s as easy as being pretending (sic) to be a bird when you have your seventeen-year-old child asking you to end her life.”  She said her seven-year-old daughter was born a boy, wasn’t given the option of using the girls’ washroom, even though it’s the gender she identifies with.

Well, mom, what about the rights of actual girls to use the “girl’s” washroom without the presence of an anatomical male with sex issues?  You think a “transgendered child” is being helped by going along with their game of play-pretend?  They have profound psychological issues, and playing-pretend is not a route to the cure.

Mom also went on saying “this has nothing to do with Catholic teachings  This has nothing to do with the Catholic faith.”

Well, I would take Bishop Henry’s word on the matter of Catholic teaching over mom’s, but there is a large catalog of Natural Law that buttresses Bishop Henry’s views.

Frankly, I’m sick and tired of all this PC fascism.  The PC fascists should shut their own faces.  The Charter of Rights and Freedoms guarantees Freedom of Speech and Freedom of Religion.  LGBTQ fascists threaten the former and the Alberta Ministry of Education threatens the latter.  In fact, the Ministry of Education are a threat to a realist view of the world.

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