Thursday, February 5, 2015

Minarets Rise over Berton's Spectator

The publisher of the Hamilton Spectator, Paul Berton, is hosting a conference at the Spectator building on the evening of February 5th, 2015, on the subject "Who was Mohammed?"  The conference is sponsored by local Muslim groups.
As noted elsewhere, Paul Berton is an Islamophile.  The conference in all likelihood will turn out to be not a familiarization session, but an effort at proselytizing - as noted previously.
The letter below was submitted to the Spectator on January 23rd, and as of this date has not been published.  Likely, it won't.
In regards to the general question of "Who was Mohammed?" the relevant answer today, as noted below, is: "It doesn't matter."  What matters today is what the Imams and Islamic scholars say Mohammed meant.  The ISIS killers who burned that Jordanian pilot alive went to great lengths to justify his killing, saying that he was not a Muslim; that he was an apostate; that he was a killer of Muslims himself - all the justifications for killing permitted under Islam.  ISIS killers care very much about their religion - which happens to be Islam.
Attendees at the conference should listen very carefully to the speakers and see if the killers themselves are damned as heretics or whether it is merely the gruesome act that is condemned.
RE:  Hussein Hamdani interview

RE:  Hillary Clinton says Canada, world must fight terrorist propaganda




The Spectator published an interesting interview of Mr. Hussein Hamdani.  Three telling questions I would like to have seen answered were not asked.  These are:


1.      Should Canadian law be more or less Sharia compliant?

2.      If the population of Canada were 50 % Muslim, would the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms be made more Sharia compliant?

3.      Since you, Mr. Hamdani, are not an Islamic scholar or an Imam, what weight would other Muslims place on your opinion of what Islam is or says?


The questions concerning Sharia are the real test of Islamic Supremacism.  Those who believe in the imposition of Sharia law are, whether they are violent or not, Islamic Supremacists; and Islamic Supremacism is the actual threat to Western Civilization.  The answers that Mr. Hamdani would give to questions 1 and 2 would be most illuminating.


The correct answer to question 3 is nothing, or next to nothing.  The consequence of that answer is that westerners can take no solace from what Mr. Hamdani says about Islam and the intentions of its adherents.  If other Muslims won`t listen to him about what Islam is or says, then his opinion is valueless to westerners.  Al Azhar University in Cairo, the Islamic scholars and Imams who advocate jihad are the ones to whom westerners need to pay attention, since those are the institutions and people who do say authoritatively what Islam is and says and that inspire ISIS, al Qaeda, and lone-wolf terrorists around the globe.


The problem for Mr. Hamdani is that, as a result of the scholarship of Al Azhar University, there is no principled distinction between a devout Muslim and an Islamic Supremacist.  A measure of one’s devoutness as a Muslim is the degree to which one supports the supremacy of Islam, the enforcement of Sharia law, and the submission of all to Allah.  And Mr. Hamdani is, apparently, a devout Muslim.


For the same reason, Hillary Clinton offers empty, worthless words when she says that Canada and the world must fight terrorist propaganda.  The objective of the Islamic scholars is the submission of all to Allah, or Islamic Supremacism.  This is achieved through jihad, and jihad need not be violent.  Thus, for a Westerner, to attack terrorist propaganda is to attack Islam itself because the terrorist propaganda is the self-same Islamic texts that devout Muslims rely on whether they be violent or not.  And for Clinton to say that democracy is the answer to Islamic violence, it flies in the face of the experience in Iraq and Afghanistan.  Since Sharia law is not amendable by a democratic vote, true democracy is impossible under a regime of Sharia law, and there is no mind-set to expect democracy to work.


Nobody blames the swamp when they are being set upon by mosquitos.  Initially, they blame the mosquitos.  After a while, however, getting rid of biting mosquitos means having to deal with the swamp.  The swamp is the habitat in which those noxious mosquitos breed and grow, and destruction of habitat is the surest way of making a species disappear.


The surest way for Western Civilization to avoid being bitten by mosquitos in future is to drain the swamp in their midst.



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