Vincent J. Curtis
11 Jan 25
RE: Winters feeling warmer? News item by Matthew van Dongen The Hamilton Spectator, 11 Jan 24.
It’s all so soft and vague and dreamy, the insinuation of CO2 induced climate change: winter’s feeling warmer, sensing this, vaguely recollecting a distant past. A busy-body, activist “research non-profit” called Climate Central “suggests”, on the basis of a model, that, “on average” Hamilton’s winters now have eleven more days of above freezing temperatures than they did a decade ago. And this is due to the agent “climate change”: it’s not ‘may be due to’, but is. Being so programmed, the model says so. (Since it’s a program, that’s how they can obtain an average on the basis of a one-off; it’s a probability, not a fact.)
Okay, let’s take that as read: The Climate has Changed (albeit for the better!). We know from climate physics that bad weather is not caused by carbon dioxide; and we also know from climate physics that rising carbon dioxide levels cannot account for substantially increasing global temperature. What isn’t admitted is that the planet is in an interglacial period; that it’s still thawing out from the Little Ice Age, and global temperatures today are cooler than they were during the Medieval Warm Period, and cooler still than during the Holocene Climate Optimum, when the Arctic ocean really was ice-free in summer.
The upshot is that the planet has been here before, and we’re just along for the ride. The claim that CO2 is responsible for bad weather and for planetary overheating are ridiculous nonsense designed to control people, not the weather.
It’s time to call B.S. on the climate hoax.